
『Tapani Paradise』品牌創立於西元2014年迄今
定位與使命 :


『Tapani  paradise』就以玉井的古地名噍吧哖的英文字母拼音為品牌的名稱,文字以彩紅顏色為組合代表美好風 土與能量,也代表好山好水好芒果。

『Tapani  paradise家族』代表人與在地豐富生物多樣性的生態共生共好共享的情感記錄。


玉井,位於群山環聚的山中,是座山城,是芒果的故鄉。我們感受玉井這片土地與大自然的美好,期待站在巨人的肩膀放大自己的視野,讓想像力與好齊心得以自由,從中汲取養分讓創意展現魔力,我們以舊地名「噍吧哖」Tapani 為發想,建構一個年輕充滿希望與未來品牌。


Yu-jing, a mountainous area surrounded by majestic and towering mountains, is home to mangos. We truly appreciate the natural beauty in this land. Thus, while standing on the shoulders of this giant, we are looking forward to broadening our horizons, letting our imagination run wild and acquiring the nutrition we want for creating something unique for this land. As a consequence, we draw upon the old name of this town “Tapani” to establish a young and futuristic brand. 
We shall create diversified looks for the brand new paradise of mangos with courage and perseverance in this ever-changing world.



Tapani 家族
以擬人化手法建構Tapani 家族,童話方式穿插而行,增加趣味性,故事溫柔又感性,訴說著與動物的情感軌跡和大自然的美好,更收納故鄉的情感與生活記憶和期待,延續對地方的關懷的夢想,傳遞人情味與生命的感動。
呼籲以尊重、共生、共好的態度與這片土地相處,以獨特純淨的風土、水源、時序和人文來孕育芒果和水果的香甜,水果桃花源的甜蜜幸福好滋味,永遠是Tapani 玉井的小秘密



We apply the approach of personification to creating this Tapani family. A number of fairy tales intertwine to form stories full of emotions and childlike warmth, telling genuine feelings for animals and mother nature. In the meantime, the Tapani family also involves sentiment and passion for our home town, reminding people of sweet memories only for this land, and passing on this extraordinarily touching moment to generations to come.

In addition, we’d like to call for everyone’s attention for the significance of mutual respect, that is, people should know more than just preserve and conserve this land. With the clean environment, pure water, perfect climate and unique culture, therefore, we shall always possess the precious gift from mother nature- juicy and sweet mangos.